picture of a cellular communicator

A Cellular Communicator in a Security System

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No landline? No problem.

Like many households, you probably don’t have a landline. Even without a landline, you can still have a monitored security system as long as you get a cellular communicator.

picture of a cellular communicator

Cellular communicators function as the primary method of communication between your alarm system and the 24/7 response center. They communicate with the response center via cellular network data channels. Cellular communicators act like a cell phone for your security system. Cellular communicators can also serve as a back-up to your landline in case of a power failure or the phone line is cut.

Interested in a smart home or controlling parts of your security system from your smartphone? Enable interactive services with a cellular communicator and do the following from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop:

  • Use your smart security system for home automation services like temperature schedules with a smart thermostat
  • Remotely control lights, locks, and open or close your garage door
  • View live video
  • Arm or disarm the system
  • Receive notifications about activity within your system

As a part of your security system, a cellular communicator can be a great solution for having a monitored security system without needing a landline. For more information about cellular communicators or to upgrade your system, contact us.